Using art as the primary intervention is proven to work directly with the subconscious, where core emotions and beliefs are stored.
In order to change damaging core beliefs and emotions, we use drawing and talking and other art-based activities as a creative tool to bring core emotions and beliefs in to the conscious 'thinking' brain.
This allows them to be explored, worked through, unblocked and repaired.
Mental Health Support Through Art

ARTIVENTION has been created by Brian Padden, a national award winning school mentor of the year and person centred-counsellor, who has a Master's Degree in Health Mentoring, supporting children's mental health in schools.
Our sister company The Trusted Therapist, specialises in counselling children, adolescents and young people.
Realising that children often find it difficult to open up about their traumas and difficulties, he began introducing drawing as a way to express feelings.
Because the intervention is based around what is happening in the sandtray or the picture, the children felt that the work was less intrusive and were more capable of exploring their past present and future.
The sessions are facilitated by Artivention trained staff, but the topic of the sessions are chosen and led by the client.
Because the work is in the third person (indirect) it allows the processing of difficult thoughts without the emotions being a barrier to healing.
How it works

are much more affordable than therapy.
We have a sliding scale of charges .
Choose from 1,2,3,4 or 6 per day with the cost reducing with every additional session booked.
Research into Art Therapy published in The Arts in Psychotherapy found that 81% of patients reported improvement in their overall psychological health after participating in art therapy sessions.
Unlike other types of mental health interventions, there is no need for a diagnosis, and no threshold needs to be met.
The sessions are conducted in the school or home.
This reduces both anxiety and inconvenience.
ARTIVENTION sessions are facilitated by trained staff, but the lead is taken by the client.
They decide the topics, how much is revealed and when they wish to step back.
ARTIVENTION can work for anyone - children, teenagers, adults and the elderly.
It is especially useful for:
- Children aged 8 - 18 who have low level social emotional mental health (SEMH) issues.
- Students who need support but would not reach the threshold for CAMHS.
- Schools with limited budget for in-school counselling.
- Children with special needs who struggle to express their feelings.
- Children with Autism, to show others how the world is for them.
- Children with English as a second language.
- Adults with learning difficulties.
- Adults in care homes.
- People with Dementia.
- Children in the care system.
- Trauma and abuse survivors.
- People who have suffered a bereavement.
- Children with unstable homes.
- Young people with attachment disorder
- People with ACES
Who is it for?

Although this is a psychological intervention backed by the science of creative counselling.
The beauty of ARTIVENTION is its simplicity.
Using resources as simple as a pencil and a sheet of paper, we can help our clients to process deeply help damaging core beliefs in series of sessions.
How it works.

Talk & Draw
Have you ever been caught in the trap of needing experience to work, but not being able to get the experience?
We may be able to help you gain the experience you need to support children's mental health in a school environment.
Contact us for more information.
Be part of the team

Work with us
ARTIVENTION is not counselling, if you are supporting a child (or adult) who needs a higher level of support, our sister company The Trusted Therapist offer an in school counselling service.
We also offer face to face counselling and online counselling
Please contact us for more details.
When more is needed

What we offer
The earliest known form of using art to communicate is cave paintings as far back as 40000BC
Even some animals have been observed creating what could be considered art. For example, bowerbirds create elaborate structures and decorate them with colorful objects to attract mates. Additionally, certain species of chimpanzees and elephants have been known to paint or create drawings.
Psychologist Carl Jung ‘lay the ground for imagination-based methods’ Jung believed ‘the fundamental aspects of human experience and psychological life can be expressed through images’
Carl Rogers (1902-1987), humanistic founder of the Person Centred approach recognised; ‘creativity is the desire to communicate, it is doubtful whether a human being can create, without wanting to share his creation’
Einstein believed ‘I’m enough of an artist to draw freely on my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world’
For trauma survivors, art Interventions can be highly beneficial. Research shows the brain is severely impacted by trauma. Trauma survivors can experience fragmented memories of their experience, making it hard for them to assign ‘words to describe these implicit memories and feelings this can make verbalisation difficult and re-traumatising. Using art-based interventions allow them to both understand and communicate the impact of their trauma.
Neuroscience studies have discovered; the brain's right hemisphere is responsible for; sensations, images, nonverbal multiple meanings of words, autobiographical memory and negative unconscious memories. The left hemisphere is responsible for processing language.
ARTIVENTION helps to engage both hemispheres, resulting in stronger neural connections and a more positive, reflective and better communication process.
Creative interventions help by connecting the 'emotional' (non-verbal) limbic brain and the rational verbal brain. The brain has an ‘intricate network of neurons (cells that receive and transmit electrochemical signals). Creative therapies assist in creating new neural pathways and to keeping existing ones nimble, which helps clients to understand and organise their ‘personal histories’ and narratives, thus improving their chances of improved emotional and mental health.
The Psychology behind ARTIVENTION

Amy H.
Using a storyboard has really helped my son to explore his feelings around losing his Grandma to cancer.
He shared it with us and we were able to help him through a very difficult time.

Tracey P
One of my students was really struggling with anxiety.
Artivention had twelve sessions with him. It was transformational, for him and also helped me to work with him in the way he needed me to.

Leanne W.
The sessions with Jake, who has Autism, were able to help him explain his world.
It made him heel heard and understood.
I would highly recommend it.
mobile: 07966 198025
17 Hornsea Drive
West Yorkshire
BD15 0LU
Thank you for your interest in ARTIVENTION
Please leave your contact details and any questions and we will be in touch.
Get in touch
Research has shown that for every £1 spent on mental health support in childhood, there is a saving of £10 in future spending.
50% of diagnosable mental health conditions begin by the age of 14.
Early and quick mental health support can prevent small concerns and worries becoming much worse and stop mental health conditions developing.